Hi everyone...
After a long we comeback with new collections cotton yang baru..
and the best part is $$$$$ adelah lebih murah berbanding harge yg ditawarkan sebelum ini but with the same quality of course. For those yang pernah beli cotton from us, pasti sedie maklum with the quality..:)
Swiss cotton nie ade cotak timbul at the background kain..
SC78 (Background light blue) - RM115/4 meter tidak termasuk post
Dari atas ke bawah :
SC79 - Backgorund hitam
SC80 - Background striking bule
SC81 - Background light coklat
SC82 - Background merah
Interested? Email/ym me at
Hi everyone...
After a long we comeback with new collections cotton yang baru..
and the best part is $$$$$ adelah lebih murah berbanding harge yg ditawarkan sebelum ini but with the same quality of course. For those yang pernah beli cotton from us, pasti sedie maklum with the quality..:)
Swiss cotton nie ade cotak timbul at the background kain..
SC79 - Backgorund hitam
SC80 - Background striking bule
SC81 - Background light coklat
SC82 - Background merah
Interested? Email/ym me at